You are using DRIM IMS in a limited guest mode. Additional functionalities (including download and upload) are available for the registered users only. Registration is free of charge.

Frequently asked questions

At the upper right corner of this website, there is a link which leads to registration page. Fill in the form and submit the data. After your registration, administrator will consider whether you should get the specific role or not. If the administrator decides to assign you a role, you will be informed by email message. It might last for couple of days, so please be patient. According the assigned role, you will have different permissions. If no answer received in two weeks’ time, please send email to

After your registration, administrator will consider whether you should get the specific role or not. If the administrator decides to assign you a role, you will be informed by email message. It might last for couple of days, so please be patient. According the assigned role, you will have different permissions. Role viewer allows you to:

  • print tables.
  • export samples (without lookup values).
  • view statistics graph representations.
  • print graphs.
  • download a map layer as zipped shapefiles.
User manual document and video manuals are available only for the logged in users, on this help page.

Each country has assigned persons from its appropriate institutions for updating the system data.

The Drin Information Management System (IMS) is comprehensive online platform for data collection and information exchange among Drin Riparian’s (Montenegro, Kosovo*, North Macedonia and Albania). It was specifically design and developed based on the needs from Drin Riparian’s for exchange of the water management data in the Extended Drin basin.

Drin IMS was initially populated by the data collected by the GEF Drin project for development of Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis, which provides information on transboundary problems affecting the basin’s water and environment. Serving its primary function as platform to enable joint data collection, storage, and exchange among the Drin riparian’s – it is updated by the data submitted by the designated representatives of the Drin countries (national IMS Encoders) and different projects that are implemented in the Extended Drin Basin or individuals/institutions which are prior approved by national administrators. Therefore, Drin IMS holds data from national monitoring programs but as well data from various initiatives/programs/projects of interest. For more information about the contributors and source of information available please visit specific links at the upper right corner (Contributors and Metadata).

Drin IMS is updated from various previously validated sources (please see previous question). System is maintained by the DCG Secretariat- currently hosted by the GWP-Med in Athens, Greece

Action for the implementation of the Drin MoU is financed by the Global Environment Facility through the Full-Size Project “Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the extended Drin River Basin” and the Medium Size Project “Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the White Drin and the extended Drin Basin”. The title “Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the extended Drin River Basin” (Drin Project) shall refer to both projects hereafter. The objective of the Project is to “Promote joint management of the shared water resources of the transboundary Drin River Basin, including coordination mechanisms among the various sub - basin joint commissions and committees”. The project is implemented by the United Nations Development Program(UNDP) and executed by the Global Water Partnership(GWP), through GWP - Med.UNECE is a partner to this process.The Drin Core Group acts as the project's Steering Committee. More info at:

No, and it is planned to stay that way. We sincerely hope to hear back from the users on the data usage as well as proposals for the data uploads or system improvements.

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